New blueprint.

The new blueprint is out for all to see. Its version 4, and includes some interesting things. Alot of people have already analysed it in quite some detail.

The two things thats most obvious to me, is the emphasis on MPLS as more and more dominant technology. VRF’s are explored in more detail.

The second, and more disturbing in my opinion is the Troubleshooting section. I am really curious how they plan to test this while at the same time also being exact in the answer they (cisco) want. I do think its a good idea to have it as a good portion of the lab exam. It will be more real-life like in that way. However, 20% is a great big portion though.

On a “happier” note, the fine folks at IPexpert will update their material and will provide great deals to upgrade your existing stuff. I would hate to pay the full price for the updated material when i just bought the BLS. Great customer service!

Im off to read more on Internet Routing Architectures.