Using flash cards.

I wanted to post a link to a great site which I have started using called, what it does is pretty simple, but it does its job in a slick fashion.

There is a system called the leitner system, which in all its simplicity is making you remember things by repeating them in periods with different intervals. If you miss a question, it is scheduled to be repeated more often, until you get it right every time. This I think will come in handy with some things I simply cant remember. I will be using this along with normal note taking procedures. I want to enter in as many as required. Right now reading through Routing TCP/IP Vol. 1, I am entering in some must-remember facts, which I can then later on practice. So its not a replacement for notes, but a supplement to make sure you get facts straight.

I have a cold at the moment, so progress is slow, want to read an hour before I head off to bed.