Interactive enhancements to vendor material

If you are into the world of CCIE stuff, you know that both the written and the lab exams will change very shortly.

Alot of emphasis will be put onto the task of troubleshooting networks. From the onset this seems like a tricky part to teach anyone, and it is. One company, even how many smart people they hire, can only think up amount of troubleshooting networks and write documentation for them and so on. So what to do?

I have been thinking this through and I cant come up with any reason why the vendors should not have some sort of user input. We all think differently. We all come up with weird network topologies. We also break them differently. Why not use the “hive” mind, to get alot of scenarios uploaded to the vendor sites (ofcourse in a 3rd party section). If some of the scenarios are good enough, they can even be included in their official material. It could also be ranked by peers according to how good the scenario was laid out. It could be based on Documentation, Networking diagram, Wording of the problem and so on.

This collection of scenarios would consist of network diagrams, documentation, troubleshooting tickets, configuration files and any other help/tips/tricks thats appropriate.

In the end, the vendor would end up with user input, trouble shooting scenario, and alot of good will if they decided to help out and comment on the labs to make them even more powerful.

So to summarize, vendors, step up to the plate! You know who you are!