Cisco Live US! 2016

I am fortunate enough, to be able to goto Cisco Live US! again this year.

Last year was such an experience, that my hopes are really high for this year as well.

I will be arriving on Friday the 8th and leaving on the 15th. Not a long stay this time, but it was what my boss could arrange for.

Again this year I will be bringing my better half, so she can experience the city and hopefully we’ll get a few hours of sightseeing in between commitments.

One of the things that im really looking forward to, is meeting up with friends and peers. This year is a bonus for me, as I get to say Congratulations to my friend Daniel ( in person and not just on the phone, on passing the CCDE practical exam!

Also, a first for me, will be meeting up with Darren ( We have been talking for a long time on twitter, mail and webex and im really looking forward to meeting him in person.

When we get closer to the event, I will be posting my Cisco Live! schedule here.

If you happen to be around the Las Vegas area, or even at Cisco Live!, drop me a line and maybe we can meet up!

See you there!