Destruction of property

Anyone ever thought about how the destruction of property is getting worse and worse? This weekend, alot of lamp posts got thrashed close to where I live. A few weeks back somebody actually stole a car and ran into the exact same lamp posts, busting them completely.

Collision in the streets – Freedom of speech Vs. Islamic Fundamentalism Part II

Dont know if you heard, but at this very moment Denmark is experiencing alot of riots in the streets of major cities. Once again, pictures of the prophet Muhammed, are being displayed on major newspapers. This time not as a simple journalistic interest, but because members of the Islamic community has put forth deaththreats on the person is behind them.

Funny Quote

Fun quote from _– What do you call an intelligent man in America? – A tourist._ There are alot of smart people in America. There is also alot of really stupid people. Guess which group is in power at the moment?

This is my first post to hugo using CI/CD pipeline